Meet Our Instructors

Barbara Haga

Barbara I. Haga

President, Federal HR Services, Inc.

Barbara I. Haga is President of Federal HR Services, Inc., a small business established in 2006 to provide HR training, consulting, functional services to Federal agencies.  

Ms. Haga retired in September 2005 as Head of Organizational Development and Workforce Relations with the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. In that position she managed the employee and labor relations programs, benefits, the Career Transition Assistance Program and training and development programs for the Center. Ms. Haga was previously employed by the Department of the Navy in a variety of positions at the local and regional levels.  

A well-known speaker and trainer, Ms. Haga has made a variety of presentations at professional conferences on a variety of employee relations topics.  She is the author of Federal Sector FMLA: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions published in 2007 (4th ed. 2015) by LRP Publications and she also writes the monthly “Leave Advisor Column” for Cyberfeds. Her second book, The Federal Manager’s Everyday Guide to FMLA, was published in late 2009 (3rd ed. 2017).   
Ms. Haga is a past National President of the Society of Federal Labor and Employee Relations Professionals (SFLERP), a position that she held from 1991 through 1993 and from 2003 through 2005. She served on the National SFLERP Board in varying capacities from 1991 through 2011.  She was reelected to serve on the Board in 2023.  The Society awarded her the 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program and Dedicated Service to SFLERP.

Ms. Haga is a graduate of the University of Virginia and she received her Master of Public Administration degree from Old Dominion University in May 2006.